Nissan Infiniti Forum Tue, 01 Feb 2022 18:10:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nismo Wed, 24 Jun 2015 06:16:11 +0000 Continue Reading ]]> Når man snakker om verdens tøffeste bilrace de siste årene, er det vanskelig å ikke nevne Gumball 3000. Løpet, som er et landeveisløp over hele 7 kontinenter, med de raskeste og mest fantastiske bilene i hele verden. Løpet har blitt et utstillingsvindu for bilprodusentene. Nissan leverte i 2013 en modell som virkelig satte spor etter seg.Det er ofte enkelt å tenke på de amerikanske bilene når man snakker om biler som skal være med i verdens råeste roadtrip, eller billøpet Gumball 3000. Amerikanerne levert biler med V8 og V10 motorer lenge før noen andre produsenter, men i 2013 introduserte Nissan modellen Nismo 370z, som var en av modellene som fikk størst oppmerksomhet dette året. Bilen har rett og slett blitt en klassiker.Nissans Nismo 370z hadde derimot ingen V8 eller V10 motor, men en lettere V6 3,7 liter som virkelig kunne gjøre nytte for seg. Bilen ble først avduket i Geneva Motorshow og når de første deltakerne møtte opp med sin utgave, da fikk de også oppmerksomheten de fortjente. Modellen tilbyr den perfekte balansen mellom ytelse og funksjonalitet, og klarte å blande inn seg pent inn sammen med de noe dyrere modellene som stilte til start i løpet.Gumball 3000 har blitt arrangert siden 1999 og er en roadtrip sponset av Betsafe, som også har hatt et eget team med i løpet hvert eneste år siden 2010. Fjorårets løp var det største hittil og hadde også en egen skandinavisk etappe som gikk fra Stockholm til Oslo med mållinje på selveste Rådhusplassen. Årets arrangement og løp vil gjenta suksessen med en etappe som også skal starte i Stockholm.Nissan Nismo har siden 2013 fått en stor fanskare og er å se i flere billøp verden over. Ett av dem er det store løpet i Le Mans, hvor bilen konkurrerer med Porsche, Audi og Toyota. Bilen har på kort tid blitt en klassiker, også for de som foretrekker å kjøre løpene på Playstation 3. Bilen er rett og slett i verdensklasse.

Nissan – Mange muligheter Sun, 07 Jun 2015 08:14:58 +0000 Continue Reading ]]> Den japanske bilprodusenten Nissan har produsert biler siden 1914. De har vunnet priser for sin luksusmodell Infiniti, men også for flere andre modeller som kjennetegnes for sin komfort og driftssikkerhet. Nissan har fått et rykte på seg å levere pålitelige biler. Nissan tilbyr et godt utvalg av små og typiske bybiler, crossovers, elektriske biler, 4X4 og ulike typer SUVs.Nissans typiske bybiler er Micra, Note og Pulsar modellene. Disse bilene er små og kompakte og designet for å håndtere smale gater, stor trafikk og parkering i trange smug. De er svært økonomiske, men man kan også vurdere Nissans mange elektrisk modeller også. Leaf er 100 % elektrisk, bruker oppladbare litium-ion-batterier, men har kraft og fart akkurat som en bensin eller diesel bil. Ønsker du en litt mer romsligere familiebil er nok en crossover et bedre alternativ.De siste årene har salget av såkalte SUV-modeller (sport utility vehicles) eksplodert. Nissan tilbyr også flere modeller i dette segmentet som Juke, Qashqai og X-trail. Disse modellene er vanligvis laget for bykjøring, men med følelsen av et 4X4 kjøretøy. Disse bilene er fullpakket med teknologi og sikkerhetsfunksjoner for å forbedre kjøreopplevelsen.Nissan gir deg altså flere muligheter og leverer din drømmebil, uansett hvor du bor eller hvor du skal.

Nissan Infiniti – Den japanske drømmen Tue, 02 Jun 2015 08:08:51 +0000 Continue Reading ]]> Det er i år 30 år siden en topp hemmelig arbeidsgruppe satte seg ned for å skape en ny luksusbil. Bilen skulle være i stand til å konkurrere med de allerede store veletablerte luksusmerkene i Europa og Amerika. Bilen de skulle lage var en ny Nissan.Ideen bak bilen var å kombinere luksus med høy ytelse, bil som folk ville elske å kjøre. To år senere ble navnet valgt og en frisk og moderne logo ble designet for å matche de rene linjene i bilen.Nissan Infiniti ble offisielt lansert i 1989 hos 51 forhandlere over hele USA. To ulike luksusmodeller av typen sedan ble lansert, som raskt viste seg å bli svært populær blant elskere av luksusbiler.I 2001 ble en hel rekke moderne funksjoner lagt til Nissan Infiniti, for å bidra til å forbedre ytelsen og generelle kjøreegenskaper av modellen. En av de mest betydelige forbedringer var en intelligent cruise-control, som brukte laserteknologi for å hjelpe sjåføren å holde riktig avstand til bilen foran, helt automatisk. En helt spesiell monitor ble også lagt til i 2001, som viste bilene bak deg. Denne funksjonen ga bilistene en helt ny opplevelse som bidro til å gjøre kjøringen enklere og morsommere.Nissan Infiniti er en av verdens mest populære biler og har helt klart blitt en modell som har klart å konkurrere med både BMW og Mercedes, samt flere amerikanske modeller. Nissan Infiniti er rett og slett en japansk drøm.

Other luxury cars compared to nissan infiniti Sun, 05 Apr 2015 07:25:12 +0000 Continue Reading ]]> If you are looking for a luxury car, then you may have already discovered Nissan Infiniti. But there are more options in the luxury models including Lexus RX, Honda Pilot, and Chevy Traverse. For reference, you can read the car reviews that appear here.


Nissan Pathfinder offers the same amount of luxury as Infiniti. This upscale car features a heated steering wheel, navigation system, and a 36-degree parking camera. When compared with QX60, Pathfinder wins over value for money, but perhaps its biggest weakness is a lack of safety gadgets that are offered by QX60 model.

Mercedes S class

The 2014 Mercedes Benz S class ranks high in terms of safety and quality. There are wide arrays of luxury features as shown on this website.The twin turbo 5.5-litre V8 is incredibly fast and there are a number of driver assistance features available on the S-Class. This car is capable of driving itself at low speeds with an excellent poised handling through fast turns. Car reviewers are highly impressed with this Mercedes Benz’ technology and its body control system. You will have an unbelievably comfortable ride that is still unmatched by many other competitors in the auto industry.

Tesla S

This car’s responsive powertrain and quality interior excels as a luxury car. Tesla Model S drives quietly at speed and is much quicker than many other sports cars. You will get 94 mpg at a 200-mile range thanks to the car’s powerful brakes and quick steering. Reviewers praise Tesla’s excellent handling, especially when it comes with an adjustable air suspension.

Nissan car models Mon, 02 Mar 2015 05:45:08 +0000 Continue Reading ]]> The Japanese car manufacturer Nissan have been producing cars since 1914. Winners of many awards, Nissan’s quest is to produce innovative and reliable high performing vehicles. The Nissan range offers a choice of city cars, crossovers, electric cars, 4X4 vehicles and more.Nissan’s city cars are the Micra, Note and Pulsar models. These cars are small and compact and designed to negotiate the narrow streets, heavy traffic and parking associated with city centres. They’re very economical too but you could go one better and consider an electric car. The Leaf is 100% electric, using rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, it still provides the power and speed of a petrol or diesel car and has a range of upto 124 miles, but without the fuel costs and environmental impact. If you need a car for urban driving but also want something a little roomier, then a crossover may be a better option.Sometimes referred to as SUV’s (sports utility vehicles) Nissan offer the Juke, Qashqai and X-trail. These models are typically designed for urban driving but with the feel and drive position of a 4X4 vehicle. These cars are packed with technology and safety features to enhance the driving experience. The Navara is Nissan’s four-wheel-drive offering, it’s a low suspension pick-up truck. Alternatively you may fancy a high performance vehicle such as the 370z, the first of Nissan’s bespoke sports cars ever to be made and still produced now, or the ultra-modern supercar the GT-R.You can find lots more information at Nissan’s website, here you can see the current models and specifications.

Everyday Car Care Thu, 12 Feb 2015 05:52:46 +0000 Continue Reading ]]> Even the most advanced vehicles will not last forever. While our technology has become more advanced in recent times, the overall longevity of your car is directly associated with how you care for it. Although there are some cases which will require the help of a mechanic, there are other tricks and tips that can be accomplished within the comfort of your garage. What are some everyday tasks that will keep a vehicle in tip-top shape?

Changing Spark Plugs

The sparks that these plugs produce are directly related to the combustion of petrol within your vehicle. Over time, spark plugs can cease functioning. If one or more no longer “fires”, you will be wasting valuable petrol and the engine itself can become damaged. Replacing these plugs is therefore critical to help maintain the health of your car.

Oil Maintenance

Oil helps to lubricate internal mechanisms and to keep the engine running cool. Unfortunately, oil levels will drop over time. Not only can this cause additional wear and tear within the engine, but there is even a chance that the entire drive train will cease up. So, oil should be changed at regular intervals. Note that these time periods will depend upon the make, model and year of your car. After the oil is drained, the same viscosity should be added back into the reservoir. Finally, filters must always be replaced along with the oil (these can become clogged with dirt and debris).

Tyre Rotation

There are times when certain tyres can become more worn than others. This could be caused by a misalignment or incorrect driving methods. Such uneven wear can further jeopardise your alignment and cause your car to “pull” to one side or another. Rotating your tyres will help to prevent these conditions.These are all great car care tips which can normally be accomplished in a matter of hours or less.

Build a garage optimal for car maintenance Mon, 02 Feb 2015 08:50:36 +0000 Continue Reading ]]> Designing a garage is a complicated endeavour. You need the right tools, the right space, and an awful lot of determination. Take a look at our top tips to help you make the right decisions.


If your garage is for commercial use, there is no point in purchasing a building which is in an area saturated with competition. Try and find your own patch, a neighbourhood which is not already being served by too many other garages. Or, if you are a risk-taker, find an area where there is only one competitor – everyone likes the luxury of choice! If it is just for your own personal tinkering, make sure your space is a sturdy structure and fit for purpose.


Doing your homework on the legal and health and safety legislation regarding building or running a garage is essential. For example, new detached domestic builds are limited to single storeys of 30 square metres, and any attached structure will need planning permission which come with associated fees. There are also rules regarding fire safety measures, materials used, and sanitary considerations if you want running water. A commercial garage will require regular inspections and could be shut down if it does not match up to industry standards. Basic health and safety is inexpensive and can stop future law suits or compensation claims, so keep everything up to scratch to save trouble in the long term.


Cars need the appropriate surroundings to enable you to work on them, as well as the usual good house-keeping. Make sure your garage is large enough for the quantity of cars you expect to have in at any one time, and keep the space uncluttered, clean and neat. Powerful lighting should be installed to allow for more intricate work, and to spot any obstacles when working or maneuvering cars.


High quality equipment is expensive, but you will get what you pay for. Invest in items that are well-reviewed, and consider ‘try before you buy’ deals to make sure you get the tools that are right for your needs. It is all very well having a multitude of spanners, but first things first – how will you get the car into the garage and out again? Driving them in will not always be an option; if the car is damaged or freshly painted/modified, it may need to be moved more carefully. Stringo machines are metal caddies which slide under and winch a vehicle up, before steering it into the desired location. Their range covers devices which can lift vehicles up to 5,000kg, and recommend different machines for different jobs, such as moving long or short distances. Stringo promise durable, efficient, personalised products with excellent customer support, and online reviews generally agree.

Genuine or Third-Party Replacement Parts for Your Nissan Infiniti? Wed, 28 Jan 2015 14:21:56 +0000 Continue Reading ]]> There are many Nissan Infiniti owners who require replacement parts for their vehicle. This could arise from simple repairs while there are times when they wish to “trick” their cars out to provide an extra sense of visual appeal. Money is a concern and some of the parts can be quite expensive. This is one of the main reasons why there is a debate in regards to whether genuine (OEM) parts or third-party alternatives are the best solution. Let’s take a look at both sides of this coin.

Safety is a Concern

We should first keep in mind that certain parts are ONLY able to be used within an Infiniti. Examples can be commonly seen with safety mechanisms such as a master cylinder or emergency airbags. The main danger is that third-party components may not provide the same levels of dependability. Furthermore, any existing warranty will be voided if OEM parts are not installed by a qualified technician. While these may be slightly more expensive, the peace of mind that is guaranteed is well worth the price.

When and How to Choose a Third-Party Supplier

Third-party replacement parts are commonly seen in terms of lighting, accessories and interior items. Many of these will come shipped in “do-it-yourself” kits and their cost can be substantially lower. There are countless locations where such items can be found online. However, a word of warning should be mentioned here. Third-party items may not be guaranteed and it is essential that you are certain that they are designed for your Infiniti make and model. It is therefore recommended that you only use well-known Internet suppliers. They should boast robust levels of customer support and positive user ratings. Any other sites should be avoided entirely.Knowing when to use genuine parts as opposed to their generic alternatives is an important consideration for any Infiniti owner. If you are ever in doubt, call or contact the manufacturer for more details.

The History of Nissan Infiniti Wed, 21 Jan 2015 08:42:36 +0000 Continue Reading ]]> The Nissan Infiniti is now thirty years old and still going strong. Let’s take a look at the history of this great vehicle to discover what makes it one of the most popular car models in the

The Nissan Infiniti Horizon Task Force

Back in 1985 a top secret task force gathered to create a brand new performance luxury brand that would be able to compete with big luxury European and US brands. The idea was to combine luxury with high performance to create a vehicle that people would love to drive. Two years later the name was chosen and a fresh and modern logo was designed to match the clean lines of the vehicle.

Launching the Infiniti

The Nissan Infiniti was officially launched in 1989 at 51 dealers across the USA immediately started to sell the model. Two models different models of luxury sedan were released, with both proving to be extremely popular among lovers of luxury cars.

The Infiniti Club

This special club was launched ten years later and gave owners of the Nissan Infiniti access to a range of special privileges. This helped to increase desirability and ensure that the vehicle was among one of the must-have models both in the USA and globally.

New Features Created

In 2001 and whole host of modern features were added to the Nissan Infiniti to help improve the performance and overall driveability of the model. One of the most significant improvements was intelligent cruise control, which uses laser technology to help the driver maintain the correct distance from the car in front automatically. The special rear view monitor was also added in 2001 and gave motorists a whole new experience that helped to make driving easier and more enjoyable.

Further Improvements and Features

As the years have passed the team at Nissan have continued to add a range of high tech gadgets and gismos to the Infiniti to make it even more appealing. The voice recognition function is exciting for gadget geeks, while the brand new adaptive steering makes driving a dream.